Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Newspaper Final Exam

Hey NP Staffers,

It's been real. It's been fun. It's been real fun :)

Here's your final, worth 200 points. Please post to your blog.

1) Go to
2) Post 10 cool ehow tips to your blog. Each one should be 1 paragraph.
3) Post a 5-paragraph feature story to your blog. Topic: Tips you would give newspaper students next year and "If I were editor, I would..."
4) What are you doing this summer?

After you finish, tag pics in E-Design! Big thanks

Happy Summer!
Ms. M

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (5/4/10)

Hey NP Staffers,

Here is your blog assignment today:

Write an "Ode To Seniors" feature story. Write a paragraph on each senior in our journalism class (maybe what you've learned from them, memory from this school year, etc). Do not put their full name on the internet. Post this to your blog. At least 5 sentences each paragraph.


Happy Tuesday,
Ms .M

Friday, April 23, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (4/23/10)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment today:

1) Plug stories into MyDesign
2) Read each and every classmate's "My Year In Journalism" and leave a comment on their page. If it won't let you leave a comment, they need to change their blog background.

Happy FRIDAY, have a safe & fun prom weekend!
Ms. M

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Np Blog Assignment (4/22/10)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

Write a 5-paragraph (5-7 sent each) feature story titled "My Year In Journalism". Post to your blog.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (4/20/10)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today:

2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
4) Find 3 articles on
5) Read the articles
6) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
7) Post a 4-paragraph feature story to your blog about the Icelandic volcano that has grounded millions of airline passengers in Europe & America.

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

Field trip tomorrow - bring $ for lunch.
NO dress down Thu & Fri for Buddy Pics
Final drafts of stories DUE THURSDAY

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (4/15/10)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment for today after you finish your stories:

1) Write a 5-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) feature story on the Rural Life museum.
2) Post this to your blog

This is worth 50 pts and due today.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

PS Bring hard copies of NP stories to class MONDAY (100 pts)

Monday, March 22, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (3/22/10)

Hey Students,

Here is your blog assignment today, due @ the end of class (if you don't finish, it's HW):

1) Find 3 articles on
2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
4) Find 3 articles on
5) Read the articles
6) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
7) Find 3 articles on
8) Read the articles
9) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.

Ms. M :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (3/16/10)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

1) Write a 6-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) feature story on the topic of YOUR choice.
2) Post to your blog.

This is due @ the end of class today for 50 pts.

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NP Blog Assignment (3/10/10)

Hey NP Students,

Welcome back to the time of your life - blogging.

Here is your assignment today (due at end of class or midnight tonight):
1) Find 5 articles on
2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
4) Find 5 articles on
5) Read the articles
6) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.

Heads Up - Dress down tomorrow. We will be helping Ms. Moise w/some gardening.

Happy Wednesday!
Ms .M

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog Assignment for 2/25/10

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

1. Write a 4-paragraph feature story on Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein. (5-7 sentences each paragraph). Post to blog.

2. Post the following pics to your blog:
a. pic of Bob in the 70s
b. pic of Carl in the 70s
c. pic of Bob current
d. pic of Carl current

3. Find their email addresses. Send them an e-mail.

4. Watch Daniel Luecke's film trailer @ Be sure to leave a comment for him.

This is due @ end of class today for 75 points.

Happy Thursday,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog Assignment for 2/19/10

Hey NP'ers,

Today is a day to:
1) Make sure ALL your pics & text & bylines are in MyDesign.
2) Write a 5-paragraph feature story on the topic of your choice! (5-7 sentences each) - due @ end of class today. Post to your blog. (75 pts)

Ms. M

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Assignment for 2/11/10

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

1) Write a 6-paragraph feature story on the topic of your choice (5-7 sentences each paragraph)
2) Post this to your blog.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

This blog is due @ end of class today for 50 pts!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog Assignment for 1/25/10

NP Students,

Heads Up: Some of you are missing blog assignments.

Reminder: blog assignments are not optional. They are worth points.

Final Note: If you completed a blog assignment, but it didn't show up on my computer, show it to me and I will adjust your grade in RenWeb. If you didn't do the blog assignment, I will give you until the end of Monday, 1/25/10 (12 midnight) to make these assignments up for partial credit.

After you've finished blog assignments 1/6, 1/19, and 1/20, here is your assignment for today, 1/25:
1) Write a 6-paragraph (5 to 7 sentences each) feature story on Haiti.
2) Post to your blog.
3) Where did you find your info? Post this to your blog as well.

Let's be excellent in ALL we do,
Ms. M

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Assignment for 1/20/10

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today:

1) Finish plugging stories into MyDesign (including pics & bylines)
2) Finish yesterday's blog assignment.
3) Write a 5-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) feature story on the topic of your choice. Post this to your blog. Remember, we love to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE :)

Happy Writing,
Ms. M

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Assignment for 1/19/10

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, after you finish plugging in Issue 5 stories & pics:

1) Pick your favorite 3 uTeach powerpoints from last week. Write a 1 paragraph summary about each. What did you learn? Why did you like it? Post this to your blog.

2) Find 20 pictures (not of yourself) that tell me about you. Your likes/dislikes/hobbies/interests/etc. Post these 20 pics to your blog.

Have fun!
Ms. M