Monday, August 31, 2009

Cool Websites for Kids

Hey NP Staffers,

Here's your next blog assignment due Saturday, 9/5/09 by midnight:

1. Surf the web for 10 cool websites for kids.

2. Post these 10 websites to your blog. 

3. Next to each website - give me the 5 W's and H of the website.  What is it? What does it help kids do? Why should kids use it? Is it an educational website? Is it an entertainment website? How can a student use it? What's offered on the website? Would you use it? Would you encourage BCS students to use this website? Why? Be specific! 

Have fun,
Ms. M

P.S. NP T-Shirt money due FRIDAY - $8.50 cash or check!

P.P.S. Final drafts of NP stories due FRIDAY - typed and free of grammatical errors!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Important Instructions

NP Students,

Please delete your Smilebox assignments, as well as any pictures of yourself that you have posted to your blog, as soon as possible.

Thanks, have a great weekend!
Ms. M

Today In Class (8/28/09)

Hey Students,

A Few Notes:
1. Blog Assignments are due Saturday, 8/29/09 by midnight (not Friday)
2. We will go over rough drafts of stories in class today.
3. NP T-Shirts will be $8.50 each.  This is due by next Friday, 9/4/09.  You can pay with cash or check.  Checks need to be made out to BCS.

Have a GREAT weekend!
Ms. M

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blog Assignment for 8/27/09


Here is what you need to do in class today:

1. Finish blog assignments from this week
2. Type up a rough draft of YOUR newspaper story (or stories).  We will share these in class TOMORROW.  This is worth 50 points.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blog Assignment for 8/26/09

Hey NP Students,

Here's your next NP assignment, due this Friday, 8/28/09 by midnight: 

1. Find 5 newspaper articles online about NEWS
2. Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog
3. Go to
4. Search for "Atrocious Apostrophes"
5. Post 10 pictures from this photo group to your blog.
6. Write a short summary about "Atrocious Apostrophes" on Flickr and post to your blog.

Ms. M

Monday, August 24, 2009

Blog Assignment for 8/25/09

Hey NP Staff,

Here is your assignment for today:

1. Finish your blog assignments from yesterday!
2. Work on your NP layouts in MyDesign
3. Work on your NP stories for Issue 1

Remember, if YOU don't want to read it, THEY won't want to read it, so make it INTERESTING :)

Have fun!
Ms. M

Sunday, August 23, 2009

World's Weirdest Hotels

Hey NP Kiddos,

Your blogs look great so far! Hope you're enjoying them as much as I am.

Here's your next blog assignment, due Friday, 8/28/09 by midnight:

1. What are your NP assignments for issue 1? (You'll get this information in SHARE TIME on Monday, when we plan out Issue 1).  What do YOU need to do to get this story written? Post this to your blog.

2.  Go to  Read the article "World's Weirdest Hotels".  Give me the 5 W's and H of this story and post it to your blog.

3.  Describe each hotel:

     a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge
     b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
     c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
     d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
     e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
     f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town

4. Which one would you want to stay at and why? What else could you visit while you were in that city? (This will probably require some google research on your part)

Happy Blogging,
Ms. M

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Intro to MY DESIGN

Hey NP Students,

Here is your MyDesign assignment, due Friday 8/28/09 by midnight:

1. Go to

2. Login with username & password posted on your syllabus

3. Click on “Modify Pages”

4. Find page with your name on it

5. Edit the page (goal is to create a bona-fide, legit, real-looking NP page!)

6. Insert pics, text, headlines, etc (point is it needs to flow and make sense)

Happy Newspaper-ing,
Ms. M

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lion's Roar Ideas due by Friday, 8/21/09


When you finish your Kerpoof, HelloFromEarth, and Smilebox assignments, please post 50 (FIFTY) ideas for our newspaper this year (start with what you wrote in your journal entries...and work from there).

BE CREATIVE! We want to put out a GREAT paper this year!

Ms. M

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello From Earth Assignment due Friday, 8/21/09

Hey NP Students,

When you finish your Kerpoof assignment, you can get started on this one (in honor of National Science Week in Australia), due Friday, 8/21/09:

2. Post the 5 W's and H of this article to your blog. Give me your take on this article.

3. Go to and send a message that includes 1 scripture. Post the message you sent on your blog.

4. Answer this question on your blog: What is "Gliese 581d"?

5. Comment on 5 other students' posts.

Have fun!
Ms. M

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kerpoof Assignment

NP Students,

Here is your next assignment, due Friday 8/21/09 by midnight:

2. Make an animated MOVIE about BCS
a. include students
b. include teachers
c. do not add text b/c if you do, Kerpoof won't let you e-mail the movie to yourself.
d. characters should move in the movie.

3. Email this movie to yourself.

4. Post the link to the movie (that you receive in your e-mail inbox) to your blog.

5. Comment on 5 other students' movies.

Have fun & be creative!
Ms. M

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News Blog Assignments due by Friday, 8/14

Hello NP Students!

Ok, so by now you should be pretty comfy with your news blog. Here are some items you need to have completed by Friday, 8/14/09, for 100 points. Remember, post your answers on YOUR blog.

1. Finish Twitter Assignment from Wed, 8/12 (don't forget to comment on 3 other class members' posts - if you don't know how to do this, see me).

2. Post a list of 25 People You Should Follow on Twitter & why 

3. Go to to see an example of telling a story in 5 frames. Find 5 photos on the internet (search google) and tell your own story in 5 frames.

4. By the end of this week, you should have added everyone in this class to your blog list. AND you should be following them too. Go to their page and click "follow". Pretty easy, huh?

5. Finally, go to our class blog ( and comment on your first week of school. Leave your comment under this entry. Your comment should be at least 7 sentences.

Have FUN!
Ms. M

Sunday, August 9, 2009

News Blog Assignment Wednesday, 8/12

Hey Lion's Roar Staff!

Here's your news blog assignment for Wednesday, 8/12/09:

Blog about Answer the following questions:

1. What is TWITTER?
2. Who uses it?
3. Why do you think they use it?
4. Why is it important? (or do you even think it's important)
5. Who are some interesting people that use twitter?
6. What is your take on the whole "twitter" phenomenon sweeping across the nation?

Post this to your blog. Respond to 3 other Lion's Roar staff members' blogs (agree/disagree/comment)

Have fun!
Ms. M