Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News Blog Assignments due by Friday, 8/14

Hello NP Students!

Ok, so by now you should be pretty comfy with your news blog. Here are some items you need to have completed by Friday, 8/14/09, for 100 points. Remember, post your answers on YOUR blog.

1. Finish Twitter Assignment from Wed, 8/12 (don't forget to comment on 3 other class members' posts - if you don't know how to do this, see me).

2. Post a list of 25 People You Should Follow on Twitter & why 

3. Go to to see an example of telling a story in 5 frames. Find 5 photos on the internet (search google) and tell your own story in 5 frames.

4. By the end of this week, you should have added everyone in this class to your blog list. AND you should be following them too. Go to their page and click "follow". Pretty easy, huh?

5. Finally, go to our class blog ( and comment on your first week of school. Leave your comment under this entry. Your comment should be at least 7 sentences.

Have FUN!
Ms. M


  1. My first week of school has been a mixture of things! It's been a difficult task trying to wake up early every morning. Our volleyball practices have been tough! My entire body is sore and tired. Journalism class has been even cooler than I thought it would be. Although this week has been good, it's almost seemed extremely long. Overall, my week has been as amazing as a first week of school can be.

  2. Well the first week of school was alright.
    I didn't know how it would be having harder classes. As of right now they aren't too bad.
    As for newspaper class, it's pretty chill. That might change, haha. It's cool being back around atleast some of my friends everyday. I'd still rather be at home being lazy though.

    -James Heil

  3. My first week of school has been pretty good. I really like all of my classes now. At first I had a different schedule, but Mrs. Desalvo changed it around. I'm happy with it, and i like all of my teachers. Even though i miss summer already, it's been great to come back and see all my friends. My year should be pretty easy. I only have three major classes. If I can make it through the research paper, I'm sure this year will fly by.

  4. First Week of School:
    My first week of school as a sophmore has been filled with homework, quizzes, and volleyball practices. Even though this week has been
    busy, I'm finally starting to get back into "school mode". During this school week, I've learned my schedule and I have "new" teachers as well as old ones, . While attending school this week, it has given me a chance to see some new/old faces of friends and classmates. Hopefully, the rest of this school year will run smoothly. I'm very happy to be back in school with my friends. This is how my first week of school went.

  5. My first week of school has been quite tiring! I have gone home every day that I dont have work and taken a nap because I am so tired. That may also be due to the fact that i am still getting over being sick. It has been hard waking up early every morning but i will get used to it! I like my schedule for the most part because all of my hard classes are before lunch so after lunch I am excited about the rest of the day. especially journalism!! Journalism is definitely my favorite class so far!!:) This week has been pretty good so far!(much better than i thought it would be! I am looking forward to this year, and it should be pretty exciting because of the few things we get to do as juniors. yay!!

  6. The first week of school is coming to a close. It's still very difficult to wake myself up so early in the morning, but it will hopefully get easier as the year goes along. I really like my schedule this year. It's not too bad, until i have to start on my research paper in English.. I can't wait till we get our Jr. rings this year. It's gonna be sweet. But yeah, that's my first week. I love journalism class and i hope it only gets better.

    - Caleb Leger

  7. This first week of school has been good and bad. The good part is that it is the begining of the end! Monday was good, it was the first day back and everyone was excited! Tuesday was when it really hit me...Physics, Advance math, English!!! So tuesday afternoon i went home in a depressed state. I went to bed and woke up and it was Wed. it was a better day, wednesday night i went home and saw some friends so it was a good day! Today was good Chapel was aight, physics was better and English is not so bad!

  8. My first week of school was also my first week of High School. It was all soooo different and new because i was use to Jr. High for a good(and boring) 3 years. I was so use to the being helped with everything that i got too use to it. I expected much help haha. I actually enjoy high school much more because, even though there is less help, there is also more privledges. Bringing my booksack to class really helps with all those books I have to carry. Iam looking forward to the rest of my FRESHMAN year!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

  9. This first week of school has been different. It has been exciting and strange at the same time. It feels strange being a senior, i guess i need some time to get used to it. I have a lot of harder classes but i will enjoy this challenge. I don't really know what to think about newspaper class yet, because ive heard so many different things about it. I guess ill just have to wait and see for myself.

  10. Wow, my last first week of high school! Its very exciting, but very sad at the same time. My week went well except for the constant schedule change for 2 days in a row. Then on Wed. I got in a wreck!! Crazy week for me. The wreck could have been worse, but i thank God that he sustained me and my family. I ♥ Him soo much!!! WOW!
