Monday, October 12, 2009

NP Assignment Today (10/12/09)

Hey NP Staffers,

Great job on B & N projects - very entertaining!

Heads up - I do not see a Barnes & Noble project posted to the following blogs:

Will, Wes, James, Hannah, Caleb, Denae, and Alexis

You want to get these posted by the end of the day so you can receive full credit for the project.

On another note, here is your assignment for today:

1) Insert all of your NP stories (final drafts) into MyDesign
2) Once you've entered story titles, bylines, and content, go and read 5 other students' Barnes & Noble experiences.
3) Comment on their B & N blogs (post YOUR comment to THEIR blog)

Happy Monday,
Ms. M

Note: All NP stories should be entered into MyDesign by tomorrow @ midnight!

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