Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/6/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your NP assignment today:

1) Finish writing/typing your NP stories for Issue 2 (you may print them out in our classroom if you'd like)
2) Get started on next blog assignment below:

Blog Assignment (After you finish NP stories)
1) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/1052009/year-old-simon-hughes-describes-gator-hunt.htm.  Watch the video.  You need your headphones.
2) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?
3) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9292009/teen-talent-lands-job.htm. Watch the video.
4) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?
5) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9282009/meet-amphibian-its-mother-love.htm. Watch the video.
6) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

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