Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Laura, Danielle, James & Brooke on YouTube


  1. The Video is good because of the various characters and how they conflict each other. The only thing was a little long but besides that it was hilarious!

  2. I liked this video. Laura was halarious. It would have been better if it was shorter. But overall great job.

  3. Laura made that video hilarious. her old lady voice was priceless. it coulda been a little better if it would have been shorter (maybe cutting out some of the story time and multiple prayers) favorite part was laura and her old lady voice

  4. this video could be a lot better, james barely said anything and brooke really didnt say her story. But all in all it was funny and long!!!!!!!!!! good lord

  5. We both think that it went on for too long! but we had fun. maybe next time we'll be more prepared! love, Brooke and Danielle!

  6. Well, it was pretty bad. Haha.. I got slapped in the face which wasn't very cool.. The bad is that it was too long. The good was it was funny.

  7. I thought this was a really great video. I liked the way they presented the srories,but i think some people should have talked more.

  8. This video was really long, but it did keep my attention! My favorite character was the old lady. Along with my favorite character, my favorite part was when the old lady was telling the forecast of the weather.
