Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (11/19/09)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 11/19/09 (worth 50 points and due by end of class Friday):

1) For those of you that were here yesterday for our guest speaker, Prof. Bob Mann, send him an e-mail thanking him for coming (
2) Write a 5-paragraph (yes, 5 paragraph) feature story on our President and his family. Do not copy and paste. Put the information in your own words. Post this story to your blog.
3) Find a picture of:
a. Pres. Obama
b. First Lady Michelle Obama
c. Obama Family Picture
d. Obama Campaign Picture
e. Obama & a foreign leader Picture
4) Post these pictures to your blog.
5) Tell me how the following terms relate to your recent video/props projects (filmed live in class):
a. Teamwork
b. Creativity
c. Deadline
d. Public Speaking
e. Communication
6) Post this information to your blog.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

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