Monday, November 16, 2009

Videos/YouTube Assignment (Watch)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment for today:

1) Go to our class blog (
2) Watch the video "Burgundy & Crew on VIMEO"
3) Comment on our class blog about this video (under Burgundy & Crew title). What makes it a good video? How could it be better? What were your thoughts on this video? Favorite part of this video?

4) Watch the video "Laura, Danielle, James & Brooke on YouTube"
5) Comment on our class blog about this video. What makes it a good video? How could it be better? What were your thoughts on this video? Favorite part of this video?

6) Watch "Star Wars Trumpet Solo" at
7) What were your thoughts on this video? Why do you think it's gotten so many views? What does YouTube say about our culture? What is your favorite YouTube video and why? (Post a link)

Happy Monday!
Ms. M


  1. It is a boring video. Im not much on listening to trumpets. It tells me that america is becoming very boring yo.

  2. okk umm sounds a hott mess..and they look it 2. tells me that umm basically..they need a lot of help!!

  3. It was awefull.. we love how into she got!

    our favorite youtube video is...

