Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Assignment for 9/2/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today 9/2/09:
1. Work on your NP FINAL DRAFT! 
2. Type it up in MS Word. Make sure it's error free and reads smoothly.
3. Have 3 other students proofread your story.  
4. Read 3 other students' stories.
5. Comment on this blog about feedback you received on your story (from your peers).  Also, comment on the other stories you read.

Have fun!
Ms. M
FINAL DRAFTS DUE FRIDAY! It is your responsibility to print it out


  1. alexis' story:

    Good job!! I like it and i think the audiance will 2.

  2. alexis`s blog said...

    that is so neat
    September 3, 2009 11:23 AM
    Jasmine said...

    So you think you can dance? title
    is the attention grabber! it makes
    you become interested.
    its cool!

    and Laura Gainey helped me edit mine! she helped me change several sentences and word phrasing
