Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/8/09

Hey NP Kiddos,

Here's your blog assignment for today, 9/8/09:

1. Correct your NP stories.  I deleted a lot of info from your stories, and I also added a lot of info.  Please make the appropriate changes.

2. Once you finish that, login to MyDesign.  Plug your final draft into the appropriate page.  (Ex: Nathan's Letter from the Editor is on page 2, as well as "Story Time with Danielle" and "That's Crazy" by Laura).  Your stories should be in  MyDesign no later than THURSDAY, 9/10/09 at midnight!

3. Once you've plugged all your stories in, get started on the next blog assignment below:
     a. Go to http://www.edheads.org/
     b. On this site, you need to do the following (you will need headphones):
          1. Design a cell phone
          2. Deep Brain Stimulation
          3. Crash Scene
          4. Virtual Hip Resurfacing
          5. Virtual Hip Replacement
          6. The Odd Machine
          7. Virtual Knee Surgery
          8. Weather
     c. Write a 1 paragraph summary about each and post it to your blog.

Have fun, you'll learn some cool stuff!
Ms. M

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