Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Assignment for 9/3/09

NP Staffers,

Here is your blog assignment for today 9/3/09:

1. Finish your blog assignment from yesterday! If you forgot, or don't feel like scrolling down, I've posted it again, here, just for you.  See below:

     1. Work on your NP FINAL DRAFT! 
     2. Type it up in MS Word. Make sure it's error free and reads smoothly.
     3. Have 3 other students proofread your story.  
     4. Read 3 other students' stories.
     5. Comment on this blog about feedback you received on your story (from your peers).    

REMINDER - your Newspaper T-Shirt MONEY is due TOMORROW - $8.50! DON'T FORGET!

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