Monday, September 21, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/21/09

Hey NP Staffers,

Here's your next blog assignment:

1) Post 50 NP ideas to your blog for our OCTOBER issue (we'll be working on these stories before you know it)

2) Comment on 5 other students' 50 NP ideas (post your comment on THEIR blog)

3) Go to Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  What does Twitter have to do with this website?

4) Go to  Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  What's it used for? Who would use this? Give me some examples from this site and post them to your blog.

Upload your photo and click "Brain Freeze".  Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Your thoughts? Post your brain freeze photo to your blog.  Comment on 5 other students' brain freeze photos (post your comments on THEIR blogs).  

Have fun!
Ms. M

P.S. Here are some pics from the LSU Game on Saturday.  FYI - we're working Nov. 28!


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