Thursday, September 24, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/24/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1) Go to
2) Post a 1 paragraph summary about this website to your blog.  Your thoughts?
3) Go to
4) You will need your headphones.  Watch the video.  Post a 1 paragraph summary about this video to your blog.  Your thoughts?
5) Go to
6) You will need your headphones.  Watch the video.  Post a 1 paragraph summary about this video to your blog.  Your thoughts? What are Ashton & Demi trying to do exactly?
7) Go to
8) Write a 1 paragraph summary about Tom's Shoes and post it to your blog.  Your thoughts.
9) Click on the "press link".  What does this part of the site tell you?

Here's to being educated about global issues,
Ms. M

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