Monday, September 14, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/14/09

Hey NP Students,

I will be out today.  Here is your blog assignment for today:

1. Finish your blog assignments from last week.   You should be working on the assignment:

          1. Design a cell phone
          2. Deep Brain Stimulation
          3. Crash Scene
          4. Virtual Hip Resurfacing
          5. Virtual Hip Replacement
          6. The Odd Machine
          7. Virtual Knee Surgery
          8. Weather

2. Post a 1 paragraph summary about each.

3. Find 5 news stories online that interest you (check,, ESPN, Fox, etc) and give me the 5 W's and H of each.  Post this information to your blog.

Have fun!
Ms. M

P.S. I will distribute T-Shirts tomorrow.

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