Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Newspaper Midterm Exam (100 pts)

Hey NP Students,

Well, you did it. You finished the first semester of Journalism class. You should be very proud of yourselves! 4 issues down, 5 issues to go :)

Here is your NP Midterm:

1) Write a feature story on blogging. Pick your favorite 3 blog assignments from the first semester and write 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences) on each. What did you like about the assignment? What did you learn? Rank them 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

2) What was your least favorite blog assignment? Why?

3) Post #'s 1 and 2 to blog.

4) When you finish, get started on your uTeach assignment.

Welcome Back To School!
Ms. M

Monday, December 14, 2009

Autobiography Assignment

Hey NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment, due TODAY by the end of class:

1) Write a 4-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) autobiography. An autobiography is a history of a person's life written or told by that person.
2) Post this to your blog.
3) Comment on 3 other students' autobiographies. What did you learn about them that you didn't know before?

Happy Midterm Week!
Ms. M

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hey NP Students,

Here's what I need you to do today:

1) Finish "America In Pictures" & 50 December NP ideas blog. Due TODAY
2) Write your assigned NP stories for Issue 4.
3) Bring hats & t-shirts from concessions stand tomorrow

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

Monday, November 30, 2009

NP Dec. Issue Ideas/America in Pictures

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 11/30/09 (50 pts):

1) Welcome back from the Thanksgiving break! Thanks to all who worked the LSU Concessions - you guys are troopers! To those who weren't there it wasn't the same without you :)

2) Okay, here's your assignment:
a. Post 50 NP ideas for our December issue to your blog

b. Find 10 pictures that portray America's past (pick what you feel are the biggest moments in America's history - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a 2-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) summary on America's past (in your own words). Post to blog.

c. Find 10 pictures that portray America's present (pick what you feel are the biggest things going on in our nation right now - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a 2 paragraph (5-7 sentences each) summary on America's present. Post to blog.

d. Find 10 pictures that portray America's future (where do you think we're headed? show me in pictures - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a 1 paragraph summary on America's future. Where do you think we're headed? Post to blog.

Haapppy Monday,
Ms. M

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (11/19/09)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 11/19/09 (worth 50 points and due by end of class Friday):

1) For those of you that were here yesterday for our guest speaker, Prof. Bob Mann, send him an e-mail thanking him for coming (bobmann@lsu.edu)
2) Write a 5-paragraph (yes, 5 paragraph) feature story on our President and his family. Do not copy and paste. Put the information in your own words. Post this story to your blog.
3) Find a picture of:
a. Pres. Obama
b. First Lady Michelle Obama
c. Obama Family Picture
d. Obama Campaign Picture
e. Obama & a foreign leader Picture
4) Post these pictures to your blog.
5) Tell me how the following terms relate to your recent video/props projects (filmed live in class):
a. Teamwork
b. Creativity
c. Deadline
d. Public Speaking
e. Communication
6) Post this information to your blog.

Happy Thursday,
Ms. M

"Butterfly On A Picture" (YouTube)


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Like A Box! (On YouTube)


Monday, November 16, 2009

Props - "1800GetUOne" on YouTube (Jasmine & Keisha)


Props - "1800GetThisThing" on YouTube (Will, Tim, Caleb)


Videos/YouTube Assignment (Watch)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment for today:

1) Go to our class blog (http://bcslionsroar.blogspot.com)
2) Watch the video "Burgundy & Crew on VIMEO"
3) Comment on our class blog about this video (under Burgundy & Crew title). What makes it a good video? How could it be better? What were your thoughts on this video? Favorite part of this video?

4) Watch the video "Laura, Danielle, James & Brooke on YouTube"
5) Comment on our class blog about this video. What makes it a good video? How could it be better? What were your thoughts on this video? Favorite part of this video?

6) Watch "Star Wars Trumpet Solo" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh9Mko23JeA
7) What were your thoughts on this video? Why do you think it's gotten so many views? What does YouTube say about our culture? What is your favorite YouTube video and why? (Post a link)

Happy Monday!
Ms. M

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Laura, Danielle, James & Brooke on YouTube


Burgundy & Crew on VIMEO


Nathan/Chase Video on YouTube


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (11/4/09)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment today:

1) Write a rough draft for each story you were assigned.
2) Post it to your blog.
3) Print it out. Turn it in to me.
4) Comment on 5 other students' stories.

Happy TOY Day!
Ms. M

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (11/3/09)

Hey NP Students,

Here's your blog assignment for today:

1) Pick 3 stories you want to write about for the November issue (from your list of 25)
2) Bring them to the table (we'll talk about them in class)
3) After you get your assigned stories, start working on them.
4) Write a rough draft for each story and post it to your blog

Happy Tacky Christmas Sweater Day!
Ms. M

Monday, November 2, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (11/2/09)

Hey NP Students,

Happy 80's Day!

Here is your blog assignment for today:

1) Post 25 NP ideas for our November issue (we only have 3 weeks until we're out for Thanksgiving break!)
2) Go to www.youtube.com
3) Search for "high school newscasts" or "high school news broadcasts"
4) Watch 3 of these videos, and post the links of the videos to your blog.
5) Give me 10 ideas you got from watching these videos (to use for YOUR news video this Friday)

*After you finish this blog assignment you may work in your video project groups*

Happy November!
Ms. M

Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog Assignment for 10/30/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 10/30/09:

1) Post 10 more wacky "e-how" topics to your blog
2) Post 10 phrases having to do with the eighties to your blog
3) Post 10 pictures having to do with the eighties to your blog
4) Comment on 3 other students' e-how or eighties blogs

Blog assignment due Saturday by midnight!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Ms. M

P.S. Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Assignment for 10/29/09

Hey NP Students,

Check out this e-mail I got from Mrs. DeSalvo. You all should be very proud of yourselves! You're doing a great job. See below:


Thanks for a great issue of the newspaper – tell the kids they did a great job. It really is getting better with each issue. Thanks for your hard work.


On another note, here is your blog assignment today:

1) Go to http://happynews.com/news/10262009/knowledge-power-ehowcom.htm

2) Watch the video about "e-how"

3) Go to http://www.ehow.com/

4) Find 10 WACKY/ODD "how to" topics on this site.

5) Post them to your blog.

Happy Thursday,

Ms. M

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/27/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 10/27/09:

1) Go to http://www.oprah.com/media/20091021-tows-stine-home-tour
2) Watch the video
3) Post a 1-paragraph summary of your thoughts on a typical Danish home.
4) Go to http://www.oprah.com/media/20091021-tows-dubai
5) Watch the video
6) Post a 1-paragraph summary of your thoughts on Dubai, and how women live there.

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

Monday, October 26, 2009

NP Blog Assignment (10/26/09)

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today:

1) Draw topics in class
2) Write feature stories on your topic
3) Write a three-paragraph story with SLAMMIN' opening and closing sentences.
4) Post the links where you get your info from to your blog
5) Don't use Wikipedia

Happy Monday!
Ms. M

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/21/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 10/21/09:

1) Find 2 stories online where you feel media crossed the line. Consider the following while you're searching for your stories:

How Much Is Too Much?
How Important is Privacy in Media?
Are Media Outlets Accountable for their Actions?
How Is Privacy Respected in the Media (or is it)?
Would you say that we live in a media-frenzied world?

2) We will share these at the end of class and discuss.

Ms. M

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/20/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment, due by the end of this week:

Find a copy of the Declaration of Independence online. Read it and answer the following questions.

Declaration of Independence Questions:

1. Take out a copy of the Declaration of Independence and review the document for its main ideas. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?

2. Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described. What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values? What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?

3. How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?

4. Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.

5. What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Missing B & N Projects

Heads Up - I am still missing Barnes & Noble projects for Will & Denae. These projects were worth 100 points and should be posted ASAP.

Ms. M

Blog Assignment for 10/16/09 (pioneer day)

Hey NP Students,

Hope you enjoyed watching all of your promo videos as much as I did. The bloopers reel is my personal favorite...

Here is your blog assignment today, 10/16/09:

1) Find 5 High School Project Type videos on YouTube (there are history, english, music, etc video projects galore on YouTube)
2) Post the link to each on your blog, as well as a 1-paragraph summary about the video. Your thoughts?

Happy Friday/Pioneer Day!
Ms. M

YouTube Videos


Good morning! I have made the YouTube videos private for safety purposes.

Here are the special access links you must use in order to watch the videos:

Emily, Anne-Marie, Alana, Erica Newscast Jan 2009 "Just Take the Benadryl"

Alana, Chase, Nathan Mock Newscast Feb 2009

NP Bloopers October 2009

Will, Wes, James October 2009 Promo Video

Nathan & Chase October 2009 Promo Video

Enjoy the videos!
Ms. M

Monday, October 12, 2009

NP Assignment Today (10/12/09)

Hey NP Staffers,

Great job on B & N projects - very entertaining!

Heads up - I do not see a Barnes & Noble project posted to the following blogs:

Will, Wes, James, Hannah, Caleb, Denae, and Alexis

You want to get these posted by the end of the day so you can receive full credit for the project.

On another note, here is your assignment for today:

1) Insert all of your NP stories (final drafts) into MyDesign
2) Once you've entered story titles, bylines, and content, go and read 5 other students' Barnes & Noble experiences.
3) Comment on their B & N blogs (post YOUR comment to THEIR blog)

Happy Monday,
Ms. M

Note: All NP stories should be entered into MyDesign by tomorrow @ midnight!

Friday, October 9, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for REDEMPTION DAY

NP Students (here on Redemption Day),

Here is your blog assignment:

1) Go to ABC News.com
2) Find 3 stories that interest you
3) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog
4) Go to HappyNews.com
5) Find 3 stories that interest you
6) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog
7) Go to ESPN.com
8) Find 3 stories that interest you
9) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog

Happy Blogging!
Ms. M

Reminder - Barnes & Noble Projects

Hey NP Students,

Just a reminder - Barnes & Noble projects due Monday, 10/12/09.

Remember, you should post your story AND picture for Barnes & Noble to your blog by then.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. M

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Journalism Class Prayer

NP Blog Assignment for 10/6/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your NP assignment today:

1) Finish writing/typing your NP stories for Issue 2 (you may print them out in our classroom if you'd like)
2) Get started on next blog assignment below:

Blog Assignment (After you finish NP stories)
1) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/1052009/year-old-simon-hughes-describes-gator-hunt.htm.  Watch the video.  You need your headphones.
2) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?
3) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9292009/teen-talent-lands-job.htm. Watch the video.
4) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?
5) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9282009/meet-amphibian-its-mother-love.htm. Watch the video.
6) What is this story about? Why is it "news worthy"?

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

Monday, October 5, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/5/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is what you need to do today in class (10/5/09):

1) Work on your NP Stories for the October issue (please see me if you forgot your story assignments)
2) Final drafts are due Thursday for 100 pts.  They MUST be typed and printed out.  Don't wait until Thursday to print stories out.
3) Remember - the September issue was a BIG hit! Let's make the October issue even BIGGER!

Happy Writing,
Ms. M

Thursday, October 1, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 10/1/09

NP Students,

Once you have finished your special topic & George Muller feature stories (AND posted them to your blog), do the following:

1) Look at your 50 NP Ideas
2) Pick the Top 5 you would like to write about
3) Write a feature story on 1 of them.  Post it to your blog.

Heads up - tomorrow we will plan out Issue 2, so I need you to bring your top 5 NP Ideas to the table then!

Happy Thursday
Ms. M

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/30/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 9/30/09:

1) Write a feature story on George Muller.  Who was he? What did he do? Why is he important in history? Your thoughts on his life? What are some of his quotes?
2) Post your feature story to your blog
3) Post 5 pictures pertaining to Muller's life to your blog.

Have fun,
Ms. M

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/29/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 9/29/09:

1) Write a feature story on the topic/person you are assigned.  Give me the 5 W's and H in your story.  The feature story should be light, entertaining, and informative.
2) Post your feature story to your blog.
3) Post 5 pictures pertaining to your topic to your blog.

Topic Assignments:
Chase - Carman
Jasmine - Maya Angelou
Brooke - Polly Pockets
Timothy - NPR
Laura - Saved By the Bell Cast - where are they now?
James - New Rules @ Perkins Rowe
Caleb - Mullets
Alexis - Hannah Montana TV Show
William - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song (Where did it come from? History behind)
Danielle - The Snuggie Craze
LaKeisha - JEM (the 80s cartoon)
Wesley - Space Camp @ NASA
Denae - Pippi Longstocking
Hannah - How to Beatbox
Nathan - Starbucks vs. CC's Coffee

Have fun,
Ms. M

Monday, September 28, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/28/09

Hey  NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9252009/unemployed-man-uncovers-buried-treasure.htm
2) Watch the video.  Post a 1-paragraph summary about this video to your blog
3) Go to http://www.happynews.com/news/9232009/paper-planes-carry-kids-dreams-video.htm
4) Watch the video.  Post a 1-paragraph summary about this video to your blog
5) Go to http://www.projectrescue.com/
6) Enter the site.  Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
     a) What is the PURPOSE of Project Rescue?
     b) What does Project Rescue DO?
     c) What can YOU do to help?
Happy Monday,
Ms. M

Thursday, September 24, 2009

See You At The Pole (9/23/09)

NP Blog Assignment for 9/24/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1) Go to http://www.betterworldbooks.com/
2) Post a 1 paragraph summary about this website to your blog.  Your thoughts?
3) Go to http://www.oprah.com/media/20090827-tows-lisa-ling-facebook
4) You will need your headphones.  Watch the video.  Post a 1 paragraph summary about this video to your blog.  Your thoughts?
5) Go to http://www.oprah.com/media/20090119_orig_demiashton
6) You will need your headphones.  Watch the video.  Post a 1 paragraph summary about this video to your blog.  Your thoughts? What are Ashton & Demi trying to do exactly?
7) Go to http://www.tomsshoes.com/
8) Write a 1 paragraph summary about Tom's Shoes and post it to your blog.  Your thoughts.
9) Click on the "press link".  What does this part of the site tell you?

Here's to being educated about global issues,
Ms. M

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/22/09

Hey NP Students,

Here are your next blog assignments:

2) Give me 5 W's and H of this website.  Post some examples to your blog.  Your thoughts?
4) Play the Game.  Post the 5 W's and H of this game to your blog.  Your thoughts?
6) Play the Game.  Post the 5 W's and H of this game to your blog.  Your thoughts?
8) Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Your thoughts?
10) Play the Game.  Post the 5 W's and H of this game to your blog.  Your thoughts?

Have fun!
Ms. M

Reminder: Wear your NP t-shirts and jeans tomorrow as you are hosting SEE YOU AT THE POLE.  Please be in the Memory Garden tomorrow for 7am :) 

Monday, September 21, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/21/09

Hey NP Staffers,

Here's your next blog assignment:

1) Post 50 NP ideas to your blog for our OCTOBER issue (we'll be working on these stories before you know it)

2) Comment on 5 other students' 50 NP ideas (post your comment on THEIR blog)

3) Go to http://www.wordnik.com/. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  What does Twitter have to do with this website?

4) Go to http://twtpets.com/.  Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  What's it used for? Who would use this? Give me some examples from this site and post them to your blog.

Upload your photo and click "Brain Freeze".  Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Your thoughts? Post your brain freeze photo to your blog.  Comment on 5 other students' brain freeze photos (post your comments on THEIR blogs).  

Have fun!
Ms. M

P.S. Here are some pics from the LSU Game on Saturday.  FYI - we're working Nov. 28!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Congratulations on creating an AWESOME newspaper!!! 
I'm SO proud of each of you!
Here's to an even BETTER October issue!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/17/09

Hey NP Students,
Here is your blog assignment for today:
2. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website. Your thoughts? Post 5 pics from this website to your blog.
4. Decorate your google homepage and set as homepage on the computer.
6. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Your thoughts?
7. Post 5 pics from this website to your blog.
Happy Thursday!
Ms. M

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/16/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1. Go to http://www.messmaker.com/
2. Make a MESS
3. Download your MESS, Save as a JPEG, and Post to your blog!

4. Go to http://www.thephotoargus.com/inspiration/35-extraordinarily-clever-examples-of-toy-photography/
5. Post 5 of your favorite pictures to your blog.  Post the 5W's and H of this website to your blog.

6. Go to http://sc.landsend.com/packland/
7. Create a Jungle, Ocean, Spy Lab, and Fantasy Backpack.  Save your creations as jpegs and post them to your blog.

8. Go to http://ispot.org.uk/
9.  Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Post it to your blog.
10. Post a bird, plant, fish, and mammal picture from this site to your blog.

11. Go to http://www.kdwchallenge.com/#/home
12. Watch 3 of the passengers' wild rides.
13. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website.  Post to your blog.  Your thoughts?

Have fun!
Ms. M

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/15/09

Hey NP Kiddos,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1. Go to http://www.fema.gov/kids/games/hurhouse/

2. Play "Hurricane House"

3. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
     a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
     b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not? (Convince me one way or the other)

3. Go to http://www.fema.gov/kids/games/maze/

4. Play "Disaster Maze"

5. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
     a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
     b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or  why not? (Convince me one way or the other)

7. Find a story about each of the following
     a. The Iraq "Shoe Thrower"
     b. Elton John's supposed adoption
     c. Somali pirates and Greek ships
     d. Patrick Swayze

8. Post the 5 W's and H of each story to your blog.

Ms. M

Monday, September 14, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/14/09

Hey NP Students,

I will be out today.  Here is your blog assignment for today:

1. Finish your blog assignments from last week.   You should be working on the Edheads.org assignment:

          1. Design a cell phone
          2. Deep Brain Stimulation
          3. Crash Scene
          4. Virtual Hip Resurfacing
          5. Virtual Hip Replacement
          6. The Odd Machine
          7. Virtual Knee Surgery
          8. Weather

2. Post a 1 paragraph summary about each.

3. Find 5 news stories online that interest you (check ABCnews.com, BBCnews.com, ESPN, Fox, etc) and give me the 5 W's and H of each.  Post this information to your blog.

Have fun!
Ms. M

P.S. I will distribute T-Shirts tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Smilebox Assignment!

Hey Newspaper Students!

Here is your next blog assignment:

1. Go to www.smilebox.com (you will need to download Smilebox)

2. Click on "Scrapbooks". Each of you will need to create a family scrapbook for your Parents/Guardian. Express your gratitude to them in this scrapbook. Thank them for everything they've done for you. Be specific. You will need to add pictures, text & music in your scrapbook. Remember, always select the FREE designs & music!

3. E-mail your Smilebox scrapbook to your parents AND me.

4. Comment on our class blog about your parents' response. Did they love it? What did they say?

Have fun, and let me know if you have any questions!
Ms. M

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NP Blog Assignment for 9/8/09

Hey NP Kiddos,

Here's your blog assignment for today, 9/8/09:

1. Correct your NP stories.  I deleted a lot of info from your stories, and I also added a lot of info.  Please make the appropriate changes.

2. Once you finish that, login to MyDesign.  Plug your final draft into the appropriate page.  (Ex: Nathan's Letter from the Editor is on page 2, as well as "Story Time with Danielle" and "That's Crazy" by Laura).  Your stories should be in  MyDesign no later than THURSDAY, 9/10/09 at midnight!

3. Once you've plugged all your stories in, get started on the next blog assignment below:
     a. Go to http://www.edheads.org/
     b. On this site, you need to do the following (you will need headphones):
          1. Design a cell phone
          2. Deep Brain Stimulation
          3. Crash Scene
          4. Virtual Hip Resurfacing
          5. Virtual Hip Replacement
          6. The Odd Machine
          7. Virtual Knee Surgery
          8. Weather
     c. Write a 1 paragraph summary about each and post it to your blog.

Have fun, you'll learn some cool stuff!
Ms. M

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Assignment for 9/3/09

NP Staffers,

Here is your blog assignment for today 9/3/09:

1. Finish your blog assignment from yesterday! If you forgot, or don't feel like scrolling down, I've posted it again, here, just for you.  See below:

     1. Work on your NP FINAL DRAFT! 
     2. Type it up in MS Word. Make sure it's error free and reads smoothly.
     3. Have 3 other students proofread your story.  
     4. Read 3 other students' stories.
     5. Comment on this blog about feedback you received on your story (from your peers).    

REMINDER - your Newspaper T-Shirt MONEY is due TOMORROW - $8.50! DON'T FORGET!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Assignment for 9/2/09

Hey NP Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today 9/2/09:
1. Work on your NP FINAL DRAFT! 
2. Type it up in MS Word. Make sure it's error free and reads smoothly.
3. Have 3 other students proofread your story.  
4. Read 3 other students' stories.
5. Comment on this blog about feedback you received on your story (from your peers).  Also, comment on the other stories you read.

Have fun!
Ms. M
FINAL DRAFTS DUE FRIDAY! It is your responsibility to print it out


Hey my favorite NP Staffers,

Here's your assignment for today, due Saturday, 9/5/09 by midnight:

2. Post 10 of your favorite "puns" to your blog.
4. Post 10 new words & their definitions to your blog.
6. Write a short summary about one article that interests you and post it to your blog.

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

P.S. FINAL DRAFTS DUE FRIDAY (typed, error free, and printed out for me) < that rhymed

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cool Websites for Kids

Hey NP Staffers,

Here's your next blog assignment due Saturday, 9/5/09 by midnight:

1. Surf the web for 10 cool websites for kids.

2. Post these 10 websites to your blog. 

3. Next to each website - give me the 5 W's and H of the website.  What is it? What does it help kids do? Why should kids use it? Is it an educational website? Is it an entertainment website? How can a student use it? What's offered on the website? Would you use it? Would you encourage BCS students to use this website? Why? Be specific! 

Have fun,
Ms. M

P.S. NP T-Shirt money due FRIDAY - $8.50 cash or check!

P.P.S. Final drafts of NP stories due FRIDAY - typed and free of grammatical errors!